Basic Occupational Health and Safety Training for Our University Personnel (OHS-2024/3)
Dear Esteemed Members of Our University,
In compliance with Law No. 6331 on Occupational Health and Safety and the Regulation on the Procedures and Principles of Occupational Health and Safety Training for Employees, published in the Official Gazette dated May 15, 2013, and numbered 28648, it is mandatory for all staff members to complete the "Basic Occupational Health and Safety Training." Staff members who were unable to attend or complete the training programs and examinations held during the 2022-2024 period are required to fulfill this obligation.
The Basic Occupational Health and Safety Training will be conducted via UBYS between December 23-31, 2024, with applications open from December 17-22, 2024. The training process and examination stages are outlined below:
1.Pre-Assessment Exam
This will be conducted at the beginning of the training program.
2.Training Program
General Topics
Health Topics
Technical Topics
Technical and Other Topics
3.Certification Exam
This will be conducted at the conclusion of the training program.
All staff members required to participate in this training must submit their applications through UBYS by following the provided instructions between December 17-22, 2024.
To successfully complete the training, participants must fully engage in the pre-assessment exam, attend all training sessions, and pass the certification exam in the specified order.
Thank you for your attention. We wish you a successful training experience and good health.